Securing the cyber-physical world with a hardware enforced zero-trust architecture

At Blueskytec, we are dedicated to working with both government and industry to provide the highest quality commercial cyber security hardware available. Our patented Key Space Technology ™ is specifically designed to protect your cyber-physical systems from attack.

Utilizing a Zero-Trust architecture, the Key Space Technology ™ ensures that all network access is properly authenticated and authorized, providing an extra layer of security to keep your systems safe. Whether you are in the government or private sector, our team is here to help you secure your systems and protect against potential threats. Trust us to keep your systems safe and secure.

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Blueskytec are proud to have been selected by Schneider Electric as strategic partners.

The cyber-physical world is changing…

Blueskytec offer a range of products that integrate with Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Operational Technology (OT) assets as a “system of systems” to provide comprehensive protection implemented at the hardware level using silicon integrated circuits.

This patented technology combines quantum-based encryption, key management, and authentication with robust anti-tamper measures to ensure the security of ICS/OT systems. Unlike traditional cyber security approaches, which start with the separation of IT and OT, Blueskytec’s solution is based on a “Zero Trust” model, securing each user, device, and transaction at the lowest level.

In addition to being mathematically secure and highly applicable to real-time systems, the Blueskytec solution is designed to be easy to deploy by field and control engineers and can be fully integrated with traditional enterprise IT security measures. Even if the IT security layer is compromised, the Blueskytec technology remains effective at safeguarding ICS/OT systems.

DASA – MOD Contract Award Announcement

Blueskytec are proud to announce they have been awarded Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) funding in response to the IFA 029 Reducing the Cyber-attack surface challenge, by the UK Ministry of Defence DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) based at Porton Down.

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Reassure your customers and investors

With a wealth of experience spanning over three decades in the realm of embedded systems and cyber security, Blueskytec is a trusted provider of innovative solutions for the protection of Industrial Control Systems, Internet of Things, and Transport through its strategic partner, Schneider Electric. Our range of products and services are designed to help ensure the security and reliability of your critical systems and data.

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Customer Testimonials

“Remarkable technology..truly innovative and a game changer for satellite and internet backbone communications’”

–  Austrian Institute of Technology

“Completely unique technology in the field of Industrial Control Systems”

– Schneider Electric

“Blueskytec are giving us the peace of mind to offer services with the security and confidence required in the IoT world”

– Henry Olarte CMO

Our Markets

Contact us

Whether you have an existing product that needs to be secured or are in the process of designing a new one, we can assist you in ensuring that your product is protected from cyber threats. Contact us to learn more today.

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